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Showing posts from July, 2022

Health-friendly apps!

  During the mobilities in Hungary and Greece the participants have tried some health-friendly mobile apps. There are many of them available so everyone can choose something suitable. Here are the examples of the apps which you can use to improve your health: Pedometer apps - available in the smartphones or smartwatches, they count our steps and help us keep motivated to move more; Diet creators - they not only count the calories we intake, but also keep the balance between the amount of carbohydrates, protein and fat; Sleep monitor - it measures the length of sleep and its quality; Training sets and exercises - they provide ready training sets of exercises to do at home or outside to keep us active and workout; Music and podcasts - these kind of apps is good for relaxation and our wellbeing, as music is a very good way to release stress! Do you know any other apps? Share with us!