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The Erasmus+ project "Small Steps - BIG CHANGES" includes 5 schools from 5 European countries: PL-TR-HU-GR-ES. We can see the effect of obesity on lack of interest and participation to sport activities and PE classes. Along with the study we made in our school, we found out that our students have high BMI and they are getting lost in the virtual environment of the technology world instead of taking part in physical activities. Increase in stress and anxiety, alienation have been up to significant levels on the children who are in front of the screens away from sport activities. As educators, we need to prepare our pupils to have a healthy growth and development. We need to take WHO’s physical activity suggestions into consideration and prepare action plans including daily 60 minutes of exercise and 3 days a week muscle and bone developing activities for pre and post school children. We, after that, should take it on international scale and adapt the changing sport activities to our lives.


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