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Kőbányai Harmat Primary&Junior High School in Budapest, Hungary


Kőbányai Harmat Primary&Junior High School in Budapest, Hungary. It is a state primary-junior high school, situated in the 10th district of the capital

city, Budapest.

It is a lively district with lots of green parks, some factories and big facilities near the city centre. Students come from normal middle-class families. Our

school is a public school with 514 students aged 6-14 years. In our school there are working 55 teachers including 24 class teachers, 7 language

teachers /4 English,1 German, 1 French, 1 Italian / 16 subject teachers, 3 special education teachers and 3 assistants.

It is not a new school, but well equipped with ICT facilities a big basketball hall and a big dining hall, which can be used as a theatre stage

In our school we make an effort to develope cognitive skills of talented students with a special programme as our school is a kind of centre of talented

trainings.We help our students to be open towards cultural variety and develop their knowledge towards differences and similarities between countries

(from historical times up to the present) and their influence on our everyday lives.At our school we have 3 language courses. We teach English from

the age of 6, but as a course language some students learn Italian and French.

Almost 150 talented pupils are provided with different courses including media, Maths, craftwork puppets, drama, which develop their cultural,

communicative and cognitive skills. We have special classes, where students with musical talent can get special musical education.We also have two

school choires which have various concerts at school and at the town cultural centre as well.

As for healthy eating last year our school joined a national project called "Menő Menza" which teaches students how they can consume healthy meals.

In the school kitchen they can prepare these dishes for themselves. They listen to lectures about healthy way of life and filling questionnaires to

analyze how healthy their eating habit is. They visited the University of Medicine in Budapest and did some experiments to examine the ingredients of

snacks they often eat.

In Hungary there is a national school program to give an apple or other fruits to students every day. We want to contribute and learn new ideas on healthy living with this project.


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