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Zespół Szkolno - Przedszkolny w Wojsławicach - Kolonii, Wojsławice, Poland

The Primary School in Wojsławice-Kolonia is located in the south-east of Poland. It is divided into two sections: the kindergarten groups and primary school classes. There are 361 students (aged between 3 to 16) and 34 teachers. All the students attend 18 class groups, which consist of 14 to 29 students. The school has 18 classrooms, 2 computer labs, a gym, gymnastics room, a canteen, a library, a pitch and an outside playground. The area of our town is a rural area. Students’ parents usually work as farmers in the small farms. Many families face economic obstacles, as they often depend on social welfare system. Therefore, the school offers the variety of possibilities to develop students’ skills and overcome their learning difficulties. There are numerous extracurricular classes: language classes, preparing for external exams classes, school’s football team, an art club, a choir, dance classes, scouts. We cooperate with local authorities and other institutions. Students get involved into many charity events, which makes them feel more sensitive to other people’s needs and to environmental problems. The staff is strongly motivated and eager to cooperate with other schools and institutions. Teachers organise competitions, festivals, meetings, trips and other events that help their students to achieve educational goals. They are very enthusiastic about joining the project, because it will enable our students to acquire knowledge and numerous skills in international atmosphere. It is important for building their tolerance, attitudes and self-confidence as they have very limited opportunity to learn other cultures in their everyday lives. As far as the project is concerned, the key people are: Magdalena Zarek – English and Geography teacher, experienced with eTwinning project with Italian and Turkish schools, entitled "A virtual tour in Europe. Being European citizens" which was awarded European Quality Label in October 2018; Ewelina Jabłońska – Maths teacher, skillful organiser and experienced in the position of team leader; Piotr Szacoń – IT teacher, school’s website administrator, also responsible for contact with local press; Marzena Kubik – PE and Biology teacher; school leader of “Keep fit” project.

We would like to present two short videos:

The video presentation about Poland:

 The video presentation about our town and school


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