On the second day, we visited the area of Katakolo village and port, enjoyed trekking up on the hill and set a tent by the sea, with the help of scouts. Then we visited Aldemar Hotel in Skafidia beach, cooked Meditarranean dishes and had a seminar on healthy diet by an endocrinologist/dietologist (specializing on Mediterranean diet).
On the first day, our guests visited our school, to meet the Headmaster and our fellow-teachers and students. There, students took part in a workshop ,completing a questionnaire on healthy diet and exercise focusing on every-day habits. Then we had a short walk to the Town Hall, getting information about the history of the town and the main sights. At the Town Hall, we all met the Mayor, had a reception there with traditional dances, performed by our 6th grade students, guests were given gifts concerning the history of the district and then we made a presentation of the participants’s chools. Finally, we had a workshop on healthy food pyramid, along with a contest for the quickest team. After that, we visited the Archeological Museum of the town, listening to useful information, presented by our students.
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