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Showing posts from April, 2022

International Day of Sport

Polish team celebrated International Day of Sport by doing their favourite sports! Sport brings not only health, but also great pleasure! International Day of Sport in Istanbul!  The PE Departament in Enric Borràs secondary school had already organized an activity which was proposed by the General Secretary of Sport and Physical Activity. It was about being in movement for 15 minutes to accomplish the Daily Mile. All the students in the school have done it, as well as some teachers, and among all the people we have run 828 km, the equivalent of going from Badalona to Genoa (Italy)!  

2 videos from Spanish mobility!

 The first one created by Spanish teaam: And the second - by Polish participants:

Spain - day 5

 On the last day, the evaluation of the week and round table meeting was organised to sum up the week and plan the next mobility in Greece. Then, the participants went to Barcelona Gothic Quarter and followed graffiti route. The farewell lunch was prepared by parents at school and students could try traditional and healthy dishes of Cathalonia. The last activity was learning how to play a new instrument – Batucada by Besties i Diables de La Salut. After that, the certificates of attendance were distributed.

Spain - day 4

 Day 4 started with trekking activity. The students and teachers went to Conreu Sereny to see organic farming and to join workshop of gardening and plants germination. They learnt how to plant different kinds of herbs, too. In the afternoon a visit to Casa Battlo was organised, where the participants got acquainted with the architectural masterpiece of Gaudi.

Spain - day 3

 On the third day, students went to their hosts’ classes to see the lessons of their Spanish peers. The next activity was American football training, which was held by Badalona Dracs players. In the afternoon the participants went to Olympic Stadium to join „Volleyball without Limits”. They watched a presentation and discussed the topic of sport among disabled people and after that, they tried to play volleyball sitting, which gave them an idea of what it takes to do a sport being disabled.

Spain - day 2

 The second day began with Yoga classes in the school gym. Then the participants took part in sailing activity along Barcelona seaside with a guide, who talked about most interesting aspects of the port.

Spain - day 1

  T he first day started with the meeting at the school library. The participants, accompanied by their Spanish peers, joined the school tour. Back at the library, there was the headmistress’ welcoming speech and mini concert performer by Enric Borras Institute students. Next, teachers and students from each country participated in Radio Borras Interview; they introduced themselves and spoke about their motivation to join the project. Later, students learnt about main ideas of Swedish Diet by tasting different breakfast dishes prepared according to this diet. After breakfast, schools presentations followed and next all participants visited Town Hall in Badalona. After lunch, students were divided into groups and joined Badalona Gymkhana activity with the use of mobile apps.